MASH Tough Kid 2022

This December, over 5000 Canterbury tamariki will participate in Tough Kid for the first time since 2020, after last year was cancelled, due to Covid.


The two-day event will take place at South Brighton Domain on the 7th-8th of December, where Year 3-8 children complete an obstacle course; designed to get everyone muddy and wet. The 2.7km course features waterslides, inflatables and wooden obstacles through the forest and estuary in the surrounding areas of the Domain.


Since 2012, thousands of primary-aged students have enjoyed the course from schools around the Canterbury region. Primary Sports Canterbury will again deliver the event on behalf of Sport Canterbury and MASH.


Alex Cording from Sport Canterbury says the event has always been popular with kids around the region for various reasons, and it is an excellent way for schools to end the year.


Originally inspired to keep participation alive in post-quake Christchurch, Tough Kid’s popularity reflects a growing interest by Canterbury schools in the benefits of keeping tamariki active – to promote healthy habits, reduce screen time and improve mental health.”


So far schools from Woodend, West Melton, and Lyttleton have entered the event. Entries for schools will close at 5pm on November 9.


To Enter MASH Tough Kid 2022 follow the link HERE 



Article added: Thursday 18 October 2022

Written by: Jaime Cunningham






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